Financial Performance and Empowering Performance

Financial Performance and Empowering Performance

Course Breakdown

NQF Level: N/A

Credits: 44

Duration: 8 months

One of the most important tasks successful business owners undertake is monitoring their financial performance on a regular basis.

Management who understands where the business currently stands from a performance standpoint as well as where it’s heading holds a huge advantage over those who choose not to.

Employee empowerment can be defined in a number of ways. It’s about accountability and trust. It’s when you give employees a certain degree of autonomy and responsibility for decision-making in their daily work. But it’s more than just that. When you empower employees to step up, make their own decisions and pave their own path to success, you create a better workplace culture.

This accredited skills program will enable you with the tools to monitor financial performance and also equip you with the knowledge (tools) to empower your performance.